My Power-Up

Congratulations 🙌 You’ve just created a Trello Power-Up!

This is the root of the Power-up, Trello uses this to start your Power-up and show UI elements (like a Card button) 👀

What next?

Let’s get the Power-Up running on a Trello board so you can see it working in a live environment.

1. Go to Power-up Admin and update the iframe connector URL as appropriate

2. Enable the Capabilities that you want to expose in the Power-Up (Enable everything to see all the features of the Notes Power-Up)

3. Go to a Board and add the Power-up to a Board via the Add Power-Up Menu (Choose the 'Custom' filter on the left)

4. Use your Power-up as you code and see changes to the UI in near real-time!

Additional resources

Once the Power-Up has been added to a Trello board you have a few options for the next steps.

To be honest, what you choose depends on your experience and preferences.

All of the next steps are optional:

- Learn more about coding in React

- Learn more about developing in Trello

- Monetize your Power-Up with Optro